Managing Patient Treatment with ABELDent - ABELDent Inc

Managing Patient Treatment with ABELDent

Angela Spinks
Angela Spinks
Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:12:06 +0000

It can be a challenge to convince some patients of the importance of their oral hygiene. Oftentimes, patients do not realize how important regular cleanings are until they are facing issues such as decay, potential extractions, and endodontic treatments.

Managing Patient Treatment with ABELDent

Patients who miss their appointments or do not reschedule their next visit can “fall through the cracks”. Without a system in place to keep up with unbooked treatment, patients may go many months without important dental treatment. This can jeopardize your practice production and may lead to weakened patient rapport caused by long time periods between visits. 

Other crucial issues with patients “falling through the cracks” includes the risk of oral health decline, misinformed patients, and a potential rise of emergency visits from patients who neglect their oral health.

It can be a challenge to convince some patients of the importance of their oral hygiene. Oftentimes, patients do not realize how important regular cleanings are until they are facing issues such as decay, potential extractions, and endodontic treatments.  

ABELDent dental software provides dental offices with a concrete solution to this problem, helping you book patients who may have missed previous appointments to increase the likelihood of completing treatment. 

With ABELDent’s Treatment Manager, you can quickly search for patients that have unbooked treatment, filtering the search list in a variety of ways, including: 

Using Treatment Manager, you can find patients who missed appointments from a date range and remind them to rebook their treatment with your office. Rather than leaving the onus on your patients to rebook their treatment, your office can initiate contact to stay on top of unscheduled treatment.  

Treatment Manager is just one feature of ABELDent dental software that helps make practice management easier for your whole team. Watch our video to see how ABELDent’s Treatment Manager can turn no-shows and cancelled appointments into completed treatment, happy patients, and practice production. 

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