Why ABELDent Is Your One-Stop-Solution For All Of Your Practice Management Needs - ABELDent Inc

Why ABELDent Is Your One-Stop-Solution For All Of Your Practice Management Needs

Angela Spinks
Angela Spinks
Thu, 19 May 2022 19:54:53 +0000

How much does your current dental software allow you to do? Does your current software provide you with all the tools you need to manage your practice? How many different programs does your practice use daily? These are some burning questions fuelling the growing number of offices switching to practice management platforms that provide more tools. Whether it is because of the simplicity of automatic updates, or the surety of meeting compliance standards, many practices are moving to modern, comprehensive solutions like ABELDent CS/LS+.

Why ABELDent Is Your One-Stop-Solution For All Of Your Practice Management Needs

How much does your current dental software allow you to do? Does your current software provide you with all the tools you need to manage your practice? How many different programs does your practice use daily? 

These are some burning questions fuelling the growing number of offices switching to practice management platforms that provide more tools. 

In previous blog posts, we discussed some of the reasons Dentists, Hygienists, and Office Managers are opting for an all-in-one software solution. Whether it is because of the simplicity of automatic updates, or the surety of meeting compliance standards, many practices are moving to modern, comprehensive solutions like ABELDent Cloud and Local Plus.  

data security

How much difference would a comprehensive solution make in your practice?  

Implementing a “one-stop-shop” solution such as ABELDent could benefit your practice in multiple ways, such as: 

What is the problem with using too many applications? 

We have discussed various issues that can stem from using multiple applications in your daily routine, such as syncing problems between two or more platforms, which can cause data gaps. Syncing issues may mean that some applications display outdated information, such as allergies, medications, and other crucial information.  

If your office has technical difficulties, contacting different support teams from various companies can get overwhelming. Keeping up with multiple updates and patches may cause discrepancies between different applications and may lead to poor integrations.  

One of the primary benefits of using comprehensive dental software is that all-in-one solutions minimize problems caused by third-party platforms. ABELDent products are designed to work seamlessly, ensuring smooth and seamless usage.  

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The financial screen (left) and the patient’s charting screen (right) in ABELDent Cloud and Local Plus.

Keeping your practice data on one system is not only easier for you to manage, but more secure.  


A single comprehensive solution is more secure for multiple reasons. The more applications your practice uses, the higher the chances of corrupted data, hole-poking into your practice data, and possible integration issues. A one-stop solution such as ABELDent mitigates these risks, letting your team operate worry-free.  

Are you looking to transition to an all-in-one dental software? 

Opt in for ABELDent Cloud or Local Plus. ABELDent continually improves and adds new time-saving features that help provide top-quality care to patients easier than ever. ABELDent’s capabilities have a wide range, hitting all, if not most, your practice management needs. Some of our most notable features include: 

Reach out to us today to request a demo or make the switch, or watch some of our videos to learn more about our all-in-one solution. 

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